Friday, January 27, 2012

What are good baby boy names?

What are good baby boy names?What are good baby boy names?
anything that's not a type of food or has a double meaning (ex Apple, Rocket, Cherry, Chastity or Christian) and nothing typical and ugly like John or Jake or William. Hopefully something original.

Maybe try searching for names by coutry. If you like a certain country try finding a name you like from there.

My name is Doroteja (pron. Do-ro-te-ya). It's a Slovenian/Serbian name meaning Gift of God.

I love names with meaning behind them.

Good luck!
Jayden and JaylenWhat are good baby boy names?
Luke AustinWhat are good baby boy names?

i hav suggestions but i can assure you they are good names.

Benedict, Benjamin, Christoper and Charles
mackenzie, chester

i fink der nice
Ethan, Ryan, and jesse
i like the names deamein, taylor, tyler, and i like the name santiego

I have 4 children--I know how hard it is to find the perfect name--b/c you want it to be unique--but not TOO unique!! I personally like the names:



Bradley-(my youngest son's name)

Bo-(my oldest son's name)

I know it's becoming more, and more popular to name your kids after a place, or city. For instance:




What I did is pick a name that you really like, and use it for a couple of weeks, call him/refer to him with that name...if you think you like it keep it--

I picked out "Jaxon" for my youngest at first--but then after about a month...I decided it was becoming too seemed like everytime I turned around, there was ANOTHER Jaxon!!

Good luck to you Hun!!




I guess it would depend on your preference of difficulty. Do you want it to be hard to pronounce or something that will make going to school easier. I chose to go basic with both of my sons.

1 - Adam

2 - Kevin

3 - Baysean

4 - Diquan

5 - Amar

6 - Daniel

These are just a few that came to mind at this moment.
Cooper, Cash , Blaine,
My sons name is Dyllon. We also considered naming him Aiden. His middle name is Ian which I think is also nice.
My 3 year old son's name is Jason. And we are due in 2 months. And our 2nd son will be named Cody.
Gabriel has tons of boy names plus their meanings
Angus is very masculine (and cool).



jose that is a cute name what you think
I love the names Tyler (nickname Ty), Seth, and Drew
Myles, Adrian, Chad, Kevin, Troy, Trevor, Andrew, Drew, Magnus, Phoenix, and Hayden
I like Dallas, Jagger, William, and Alexander.
the cutest baby boy name are david,michael,alex,adam,chris,greg,jake,鈥?is what i think if i think of more then i will add more so here is some names good luck and congrats on the baby
i had 4 boy names picked ..ethan Bailey , Sirus or Byron I used Ethan
how about Alex? or Bradley? or Hoover? or Hobson? i think their pretty cute!:)
Logan James
These are my favorites:

Adam Cooper

Benjamin Alec

Brandon Scott

Dallas Bryan

Derek Kendall

Dustin Carver

Elijah Paul

Eric Levi

Ethan Patrick

Ian Matthew

Jacob Peyton

Jason Skye

Jeremy Hayden

Joel Ephraim

Jonah Trent

Joseph Aiden

Joshua Blake

Kyle Thomas

Micah Daniel

Noah James

Obadiah Cole

Seth Michael

Shayne Isaac

Simon David

Trevor Nathaniel

Troy Forrest

Zachary Spence

Good Luck! and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

1 - Jane

2 - Mary

3 - Amanda

4 - Kelly

5 - Go ***** yourself.

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